REMONDIS Trade and Sales is a company in the global REMONDIS Group. This ensures that we enjoy the benefits of direct access to comprehensive expert knowledge across different industries. Worldwide the REMONDIS Group employs 40,000 employees at around 1,000 locations in over 30 countries. In the paper industry, REMONDIS works with its strategic partners and customers to develop highly efficient models for selective sorting and individual recycling concepts.
More information on the REMONDIS Group, one of the leading global recycling, service and water companies, can be found on the Global Website
In order to continue being able to supply adequate quantities of top-quality paper for recycling as a raw material also in the future, REMONDIS invests significant sums in logistics and sorting technology. Logistics and plant resources are currently maintained at 126 locations. Eleven modern REMONDIS sorting plants throughout Germany ensure the separately sorted processing of around 100 different grades of paper for recycling.
REMONDIS Group: Facts about paper for recycling
REMONDIS operates a network of eleven paper sorting plants in Germany. These are situated at the locations Berlin-Neukölln, Buggingen, Frankfurt am Main, Kehl, Kirkel, Knetzgau, Cologne-Merkenich, Langewiesen, Limburg, Ravensburg and Untereisesheim. The most productive of these plants process an annual output of 120,000 tons of paper for recycling.
A great variety of paper for recycling grades are produced in the process